Operation Beautiful

I want to share this amazing site/program I discovered a few weeks ago. OperationBeautiful.com is wonderful. It is run by a local woman named Caitlin and it is her brainchild. When she was trying to get fit for her wedding day, Caitlin began posting positive post-its to herself, like “You are beautiful just as you are!” She started a webpage/blog about it.

It has since spread across the globe. Women and girls are sticking post-its in public places for other women to read. For example, they will post them in bathrooms in stores on the mirrors and on scales at the gym. I cannot recommend this site enough to females of all ages.

Caitlin encourages people to take pictures of themselves putting the notes up or to write to her about it. I recently posted a bunch at my gym. (She is adding my story about it to the site this Friday.) You can see the pictures and notes on the site. You can also read how these simple acts have helped and changed the lives of many girls & women. It's incredibly inspiring. I encourage each and every one of you to check it out & post a note or two somewhere this week.

Challenge to this class (and reader's of this blog): I challenge every one here to post at least one note in the next week or two. It feels good. : )
Please post here about your experience (what you wrote, where, how it felt, etc.)

You ARE Beautiful!!!
Amanda W. : )



rinaresca said…
A breath of fresh air! What a great concept, we need more women like Caitlin to counteract all the smothering propaganda from negative sources. I can't wait to put some post its up.
Hopefully this cause grows bigger and they can start making stickers and stuff.
Namaste to you!
Lela said…
LOVE IT!! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I will absolutely contribute my own messages. I hope to start seeing some at UCF:)
Anonymous said…
Yay! I'm so excited to share the love. : ) Rina- there is more "stuff"- she got a book deal this week! She will be compiling images and stories from the site into a book. I bet the book will do great and then there will be stuff. : ) Leila- please let me know if you see some at UCF. (I'm an online student so I rarely go to campus.)

~Amanda W. : )
hey! this is caitlin from operation beautiful! i live right down the road from UCF so i was quite excited to find this. i'll be putting out a call for submissions for the OB BOOK soon and i would love your class to participate!
Ani Reina said…
This is awesome! <3

I'll post mine by sunday.
Lela said…
I would love for our class to participate! If any of you take pics of your notes, post to the blog! Maybe we can submit as a collective:) How cool that you are local, Caitlin. Great work; thank you for doing something positive for girls/women. Feel free to share/participate on our blog if you would like. :D Leandra
Turnbullet said…
That's amazing! I'm going to share this with all my YWLP girls, and post a few myself!!

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