Yay ... Prom ...not


I enjoyed the Red readings so much this week! It’s always so amazing to me how young some of the authors are! “The Best Kind of Popular” was very similar to my experiences as a young girl. I never tried to fit in with a certain group. The idea of being popular was very foreign to me. At my high school most of the popular kids came from very wealthy families, and that seemed to be a requirement to get in. Like Emily writes in her essay, I didn’t pay attention to gossip because I just wasn’t interested. My mom liked to call me a chameleon when describing my social habits. I had friends from all types of “groups”. When Elizabeth, author of “Hey You, Freshman with the Face!” addressed how so much can change for a girl in such a short amount of time I must say I totally agree. Even as a young woman now, I feel like things are constantly changing. I am not the woman I was a year ago, even two years ago. I think it is very important for girls to know that a young woman’s life is a lot about change. I would have had a much easier time if I had accepted this much earlier in my life. Young girls are often frightened by change and I think it overwhelms them. I know there were changes that I wanted to turn and run from! Sometimes, maybe even often, change is good! I feel like I am still dealing with some of the issues that Sara deals with in “Life Goes Up a Wall”. It is amazing how ignorant young people are sometimes. Even on campus now, some of the things I hear people saying make me stop dead in my tracks. I believe it is selfishness and extreme lack of compassion. I wish people had an easier time opening their eyes. I am not an aggressive person by any means, but like Sara, I envision punching the ignorance around me in the face. I had a difficult time with the essay “Tampoons”. I had to read it a few times to really establish something of it. I think that it speaks about how girls often separate themselves by two categories. There are the pretty “special” girls and them, the awkward, shy, only sometimes pretty girls. Girls are searching for an image to uphold themselves to, when really they only need to be the best image of themselves. I’m pretty sure I did the same things as a young girl… almost positive!


Prom was not the biggest deal for me. It seemed most important to the popular girls. I thought it was over priced and my only reason for really wanting to go was to dress up. My look was the biggest deal only because I rarely had the chance to dress up. I had the most fabulous dress and accessories, and my date was my gay best friend! I think we left early. I was not impressed, but I looked impressive! Ha ha.

Have Cycle…

I LOVED this article. I think young women are capable of so many things if only given the chance. As I was reading, I was unsure of what the parents of these girls would have to say. I was very surprised and delighted when it said that the girls had their parents support, especially their mothers. I think everyone who desires to further their education, especially in these girls’ situations, deserves all the help possible. I fear that young women are losing their sense of personal drive and this program definitely helps.... no pun intended.


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