Stick Skinny is Not Sexy!

My body was a mess when I was younger. I had long hair which was once pretty and straight and all the sudden turned into a poof ball. I was tall with big feet, a big butt, and a chubby stomach. Looking back, you would have never been able to tell what I’d look like now. My body went through changes before a lot of my friends. I got my period on Thanksgiving weekend of my 6th grade year. My mom was taking my sister and I to the beach and I woke up and found I had my period. I knew what it was because my mom was always open with me, but I was still embarrassed to tell her. Finally after waiting two hours I realized I’d have to tell her so I could swim. It wasn’t as bad as I though, she grabbed me some pads and we were on our way. That night was the worst, the blood ran down my back and bleed all over my bed. My mom bought me the biggest pull-ups they had and I was humiliated then but now I think it’s’ funny. For about the 1st year of having my period, I wore pull-ups to bed every night. Then there was a tampon drama- I thought if you out it up to your vagina it would get sucked in somehow and I couldent figure it out, I thought I had some problem.. It took about 3 days to get the hang out if. Man, looking back boys are lucky to not go through this. At this age, I remember boys would be like “ewww that girl has her period”. I had pimples all over my face and I was really really awkward. It wasn’t until 9th grade where my skin, hair and body really changed. I wasn’t embarrassed of my body when I was younger because I was so young I wasn’t aware of being self-conscious.

Tiffanies story was really heartfelt. She has muscular dystrophy, but she never let it get her down. She says, “I’ve always told myself I can do anything I want to. And guess what, I can! I have girl time and go to school. I also love singing, being crazy, and just being myself. I have some friends that are sick and others who are not.” I know that’s a long passage, but this is what really captured my attention and made me read on. She is very positive even though she has this disability. She tells of Starbright, the network like MySpace for kids with illness. Her friend Andrew, who has cancer told her, “Always keep your head high” and thinking that someone with cancer says this, makes me realize how great and precious life is.

In sleeves, I loved how Amy told her story. It was so true and yet so sad. It’s true how the skinny girls say they are fat, only because they know they aren’t. When she said, “If they’re fat, then what would you call me?” I have friends that would be those girls saying how they hate their bodies in front of chubbier girls and it made me embarrassed to be with them (the skinny girls), thinking why would you say something like that?! It bothered me how she was talking about the jerks and one of them said, “”she’s just a fat bitch. She should kill herself she’s so fat”, it’s sad because some boys are mean and don’t realize what these girls feel and what they do to themselves when they get home. I was always friends with everyone in high school, no matter what they were classified as. I had a friend that would cut his arms so bad and was so insecure that finally I told the principle and he never talked to me again. Since then he’s cleaned up and a confident, handsome young man, I hope he knows I was looking after him. In the USA Today web article it tells of how a Victoria Secret model says how skinnier and younger than ever the girls were in New York’s fashion week this year, it shocked me. I think girls look better with some curves and meat; it’s gross when the clothes fall off of these girls. Guys can’t think that’s sexy? I know I don’t want to buy that outfit she has on, because I have hips and I know it would fit totally different. I would like to see real size women wear these outfits. These girls today think that ebbing skinny is being sexy. There’s a difference in being fit than being skinny as a rail. Being fit and eating healthy and working out, is healthy for your body and heart. You can weigh 160 and be a rock. These girls probably weigh a mere 90 pounds and are 6 ft tall. They starve themselves. This is not something girls should be exposed to, especially at a critical young age. The article says, the promotion of the thin, sexy ideal in our culture has created a situation where the majority of girls and women don't like their bodies," says body-image researcher Sarah Murnen, professor of psychology at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. "And body dissatisfaction can lead girls to participate in very unhealthy behaviors to try to control weight." I ask myself, why don’t they do something about it?! It’s only getting worse and the girls are only getting skinnier. Just everyone do me a favor and be happy with whom you are but make sure no matter what you do, that you stay healthy!!


mhendrix said…
Like you I was the same, my body has gone through SO many transformations it is crazy that I am even the same person. I love the fact you thought your vagina would somehow suck the tampon up lol, the things we think in our middle school minds! : )

I like how you pointed out there is a difference in being healthy and skinny. We have been all too consumed in our society with the numbers on a scale, we have become nothing more than a number that defines who we are. Healthy is eating right working out, you can be healthy at 120 or 160, we are all different. I think one of the best ways to gage a healthy weight is when you hit a plate, it is difficult to lost weight but you stay rather close to the same weight. This is where your body is naturally comfortable, but many times we feel we are too fat.
Merritt Johnson said…
I'm glad you read my post, lol. Ecen though it was quite embarassing, lol. Yes, the ehalthy eating part is the best way to be healthy. I never want to lose weight, I want to be healthy and feel healthy & thats how all girls should want to be.
“If they’re fat, then what would you call me?” I remember reading that and it really sticking to me. I have thought that too and it is a rare comfort for me.
I stared at tampons and wondered where I was supposed to put them. No, I didn't have the vagina figured out!
I don't know that is is sexy or not, but stick-skinny girls want to feel sexy too. It's not always their fault that they're skinny. I certainly didn't feel sexy when I was like that, but I couldn't control it and hoped that the boy I liked would find me girlish somehow; feminine. So, I think by saying "Stick Skinny is Not Sexy," we have to realize that that could be interpreted in a similar light as "Big Girls Are Not Sexy." I don't think you meant that at all, but I just wanted to mention that those were the self-defeating things I heard as a child. :)
Merritt Johnson said…
I'm sorry. I did not mean it like that. I was referring it more toward girls having eating disorders trying to be stick skinny. My little sister is rather skinny and boys make fun of her. Theres also a difference in being skinny and being eating disorder skinny. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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