Media's today is EVERYTHING

This week I feel everyone can relate to, I know that I sure can. My friends and I would dress us as the Spice Girls at the age of 10 and prance around the house in my mom’s heels, tube top shirts and want to be just like them. Baby Spice at the time was my idol. My mom even took my friends and I to two of their concerts, I was in love! It’s kind of funny, because now that I look back they were singing some songs that I thought were about something but now I realize it had a sexual meaning. One of my favorite songs was “When Two Become One”; little did know it was about having sex?! Girls at this time were also listening to Britney Spears, which was a sex symbol yet an idol to little girls of all ages everywhere.

Sarah’s story in Red was one that I enjoyed. I liked when she wrote, “But it’s not like I’m new to being the weird one. While most of the girls at my school listened to Beyonce and watched Laguna Beach, I pop in a Kansas CD and my Strangers with Candy DVD’s.” I respected her for that and acknowledging that she chose to be different and like what she liked, and didn’t care if she was different. The Appeal from Angry Emo also hit home with me. I wasn’t an “emo”, I was far from it, but I was friends with them. They were better friends to me then the “preps” that looked like me. I was picked on a lot in high school, I’ve learned that it wasn’t anything I did, girls are just mean. My “friends” thought it would be funny to distract me while another put meal worms under the cheese of my pizza and watch me eat it. Like in Kali’s story, the administration did nothing. The Depth of Depp, everyone can relate to having an obsession over a celebrity. I think it’s good that he influenced Grace in a positive way, but it’s not good to feel like he’s your friend and revolve a portion of your life around him. “Then, when Pirates came out, I was just enamored by his swaggering persona and slightly feminine yet attractive way of portraying Captain Jack. That’s when I really fell in love with him-for his wit and his beautiful face-but not even close to how I am now.” She really let her emotions pour in this statement. It’s good to have someone to look up to, I know that many celebrities have helped children by having someone to look up to, as they have a broken household, but there’s a point of looking up and being in love.

The opening quote of Willows Queer transformations saying,” If it weren’t for queer girls on TV, so many teenage lesbians would have killed themselves in the struggle to find themselves.” That sums up a lot in that short statement. Media can be harmful to teens, but it can also be very beneficial. It’s all how you view it. In this story it says “Faint traces of desires between women are elaborated into nuanced ways of seeing and talking about lesbian presence on TV.” I never watched Buffy the vampire Slayer, so I can’t touch base on that. I don’t know if the show helped girls relate or she elaborated on lesbians as a sex symbol. Everything is sex bases these days, Megan Fox opening scene on Transformers half naked on a motorcycle. Guys view lesbians as sex symbols, because most of the time the girls playing lesbians are models and try to be sexy and flirty while doing it. “With so few characters and shows to list, compare, and contrast when it comes to examples of girl characters engaging in sexual and romantic relations with other girls on TV, my interpretation is driven as much by an awareness of what does not exist as by what does.” She also states, “I also watch TV with a desire to see and identify with young queer love, wishing for something else beyond heterosexualist story lines.” It’s sad that girls fell this way, but I do think there is more out there than before for everyone to relate to. Media plays a big role in everything, excerise, love, cooking, pop culture, you can find anything on TV these days.


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