Just trying to survive and find our niche.
Remembering high school I think about how much I couldn’t wait to graduate and get the hell out of there. I went to a large high school. I remember when we registered me for classes the counselor stated they had a good exceptional education department and my grandmother stated we will not need that department. I thought to myself people always assume just because I am physically in a wheelchair that my brain is in a wheelchair also. I have always been a fighter and going to a big high school was hard. I joined a lot of clubs and was my senior class vice president, but never felt like I found my niche. I always felt like people felt sorry for me. I never did things with people outside of class and high school seemed lonely to me. I think you’re either popular or not in high school. I also feel every situation is what you make of it. I have always tried to make the most of everything I do.
I do remember going to the prom with a friend of mine named Michael. It did seem a lot like Cinderella, now that I look back on it. I did go to the hair salon and I did wear makeup which I hardly ever do even now. I do compare my time going to the prom just like the African American girl in the reading Negotiating Meanings of the High School Prom. It was my time to shine to show everybody I can be beautiful. I think the media and department stores commercialize the prom too much. They make young girls feel pressured to have expensive dresses and to look like models. Reality sucks when you realize you are just an average girl. I remember having pimples and my hair never seemed to please me. I always felt out of place like I was an alien. High school was a time for me when I realized this is it. I was physically challenged and it was not going to change deal with it and move on. I think a lot of girls go through this awakening also. This is the time when our bodies mature and emotions run high. Some girls experience their first love, some have sex, some get drunk or high it can be a wild time. High school is a challenging time for a lot of girls especially with so many single parent homes.
“Have Cycle Will Study” was not surprising to me. I am glad someone is helping them to get bicycles so the girls can get a better education. Girls are oppressed in a lot of nations. It is a good thing we finally have girls and women’s studies to make people aware of the plights many girls and women go through. I think it is terrible that we live in one of the wealthiest nations in the world, yet our public school system is so gripped with problems.
Florida is number 49 on the pay scale for teachers. Teachers also have to supply most of their own supplies. In rural counties they do not even get new text books for years. Most of us go out and vote, yet we sit on our lazy butts and do nothing to promote change in the public school systems. In Japan children learn more than one language. In our country it is hard for students just to learn proper English. I think what is important, like morals and consequences have gone to the wayside. Teenagers are getting the wrong messages.
I am particularly fond of the book Red. I really enjoy the readings. I could relate to the “The Best Kind of Popular” when the mother says “Emily that is the best kind of popular. When you don’t know that you’re popular, you don’t bask in it. Then you can just be yourself. You realize that people like you for who you are.” This hit home for me. It reminded me of my quote “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Read the inside and you will truly get to know the individual. Another writing I thought applied to what I said about girls having an awakening to who they are was “Hey You, Freshman with the Face!” Elizabeth had attended a private school till eighth grade. She chose to transfer to a public high school. The private school was smaller, and Elizabeth wanted to spread her wings and venture out. The public school was much bigger. She soon realized public school had a completely different set of dynamics. Elizabeth says “Until I started high school, I’d never completely realized how broad and all-emcompassing this world is or how much life can change in a year.” Elizabeth is maturing and realizing who she is. I could continue to write but I will get off my soap box now and give someone else a chance!
Elizabeth Nesbitt
Girls Studies
Remembering high school I think about how much I couldn’t wait to graduate and get the hell out of there. I went to a large high school. I remember when we registered me for classes the counselor stated they had a good exceptional education department and my grandmother stated we will not need that department. I thought to myself people always assume just because I am physically in a wheelchair that my brain is in a wheelchair also. I have always been a fighter and going to a big high school was hard. I joined a lot of clubs and was my senior class vice president, but never felt like I found my niche. I always felt like people felt sorry for me. I never did things with people outside of class and high school seemed lonely to me. I think you’re either popular or not in high school. I also feel every situation is what you make of it. I have always tried to make the most of everything I do.
I do remember going to the prom with a friend of mine named Michael. It did seem a lot like Cinderella, now that I look back on it. I did go to the hair salon and I did wear makeup which I hardly ever do even now. I do compare my time going to the prom just like the African American girl in the reading Negotiating Meanings of the High School Prom. It was my time to shine to show everybody I can be beautiful. I think the media and department stores commercialize the prom too much. They make young girls feel pressured to have expensive dresses and to look like models. Reality sucks when you realize you are just an average girl. I remember having pimples and my hair never seemed to please me. I always felt out of place like I was an alien. High school was a time for me when I realized this is it. I was physically challenged and it was not going to change deal with it and move on. I think a lot of girls go through this awakening also. This is the time when our bodies mature and emotions run high. Some girls experience their first love, some have sex, some get drunk or high it can be a wild time. High school is a challenging time for a lot of girls especially with so many single parent homes.
“Have Cycle Will Study” was not surprising to me. I am glad someone is helping them to get bicycles so the girls can get a better education. Girls are oppressed in a lot of nations. It is a good thing we finally have girls and women’s studies to make people aware of the plights many girls and women go through. I think it is terrible that we live in one of the wealthiest nations in the world, yet our public school system is so gripped with problems.
Florida is number 49 on the pay scale for teachers. Teachers also have to supply most of their own supplies. In rural counties they do not even get new text books for years. Most of us go out and vote, yet we sit on our lazy butts and do nothing to promote change in the public school systems. In Japan children learn more than one language. In our country it is hard for students just to learn proper English. I think what is important, like morals and consequences have gone to the wayside. Teenagers are getting the wrong messages.
I am particularly fond of the book Red. I really enjoy the readings. I could relate to the “The Best Kind of Popular” when the mother says “Emily that is the best kind of popular. When you don’t know that you’re popular, you don’t bask in it. Then you can just be yourself. You realize that people like you for who you are.” This hit home for me. It reminded me of my quote “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Read the inside and you will truly get to know the individual. Another writing I thought applied to what I said about girls having an awakening to who they are was “Hey You, Freshman with the Face!” Elizabeth had attended a private school till eighth grade. She chose to transfer to a public high school. The private school was smaller, and Elizabeth wanted to spread her wings and venture out. The public school was much bigger. She soon realized public school had a completely different set of dynamics. Elizabeth says “Until I started high school, I’d never completely realized how broad and all-emcompassing this world is or how much life can change in a year.” Elizabeth is maturing and realizing who she is. I could continue to write but I will get off my soap box now and give someone else a chance!
Elizabeth Nesbitt
Girls Studies