Maiden Soft, sweet , and silent. She is youthful , desired by all. She wears long, beautiful gowns. Awaiting the hand of someone who’s strong and tall. “A lady only speaks when spoken to.” Words that have worn her ears before she could lace her own shoes. “ Don’t eat so much, a lady must always watch her figure.” The maiden’s first trigger. You see, she’s been trained and groomed to fit the needs of men. Before she could even reach the age of ten. Men are blessed with strength and glor y when they'r e born. Women? We’re cursed with beauty and immediate scorn. You want us to fit perfectly into your ideals. But we’d rather swim with eels. There is more to her than what you can see. Have you even asked about her hobbies? Yes, she can cook and clean, but she can also create literary scenes ....
I think the issue at hand is not the shoes themselves. They are merely things. The fact that women need a "leg up" to be seen as powerful or need to wear them to feel sexy is the real problem. I can't find flat, professional dress shoes, so heals are almost required. If you are walking a lot at work, this can cause all sorts of painful problems.
When you think about it, the reason for this can be taken a few ways. The media, which sets standards of beauty, tells women to wear heals for the reasons above. So women wouldn't buy flats, so therefore there is no market. Also, men want women to be sexy, so again, no designers saying that flats are stylish. For a more radical take on it, one could argue that heals are oppressive because they limit a woman's movement. By limiting our movement (think feet-binding in China), it helps to keep women out of powerful positions, keep us vulnerable, and ultimately simply sexual objects.
Ani- Why are women forced to be sexy? Why is it that beautiful girls sell everything because that is what grabs male’s attention? I actually had a friend tell me this week how her friend hired her for a few hours to sit at a desk and look like a receptionist for a business meeting he had just so he had a beautiful girl...sad! If a male is doing the hiring process do you think he is more likely to hire a more qualified woman or a beautiful woman?