Everyone Can Relate

I spent 8 months in Pennsylvania and four months in Florida, so I shuffled schools. It was always fun, everyone looked forward to me coming back, yet I missed out on a lot. The kids had their clicks and it seemed as if I was an intruder, I’d miss birthday parties, fun field trips, and it was hard fitting in. I did this until I was in 5th grade. I must add, I was awkward during this time. I gained weight, had awkward spaces in my teeth and was totally uncoordinated. I wanted so bad to fit in with the “cool” girls, little did I know that I’d be their friends in high school and it wasn’t that great.

In high school, I feel like I was disempowered, I became a follower and did a lot to make people like me. They drank a lot, which I kept my boundaries and did not. They thought sex was a horrible thing and did every other crazy thing, so when I had sex they defended me. I was very hurt and upset, and then I realized I did not need friends like that. They ended up being huge sluts. Its funny one of them was president and that prom all the “good girls” got totally wasted entered prom puking and had to leave! During the time I was friends with them, my mom and I had a not so great relationship. I cannot blame this on anyone but myself, but their actions rubbed off on me. I am now a very confident person; I do not need people to make me happy. I keep to myself and enjoy my few good friends that I do have. Boys on the other hand, I was crazy about until senior year. I dated a lot and thought I loved them all, what was I thinking?! I had a serious boyfriend for a year, he then bought a house and we broke up and he became a heavy partier and would go out of his way to call and harass me, it was an ugly break up. Then senior year I had a few flings then I met David. We became inseparable, and were best friends. We went to my senior prom and finally he became my boyfriend on graduation. He was a sophomore when I was a senior, yet I knew he was different. That summer I was in love and before I knew it I went to college. I went down to the Keys a lot to visit, I feel that having him n my life and instilling his good values shaped who I am today. In high school, I goofed off a lot, but now I never drink and get good grades. We went out for two years and then broke up, even though he’d be going to UCF with me now. Were still best friends, we hang out every day, eat breakfast and dinner together. He’s a positive person I my life and showed me not all men are the same.

The News in Red was an uplifting story, Claudia says, “what doesn’t kill you make you stronger.” This story was every emotion filled, seeing that her sister was in a tsunami in Thailand. She survived and it showed how people overcome fears and move on. In the story of To See How They Look on Me, on You, really upset me when I first started reading it. It’s sad how they are twins yet they were a size 5 and a size 15, it’s even sadder that the brother, Ben, calls Hannah the “fat one” and Sarah the “skinny one”. It was nice to see how close they are and how Sarah feels the need to protect her, yet I think it’s bad how she wants her to be skinny so she doesn’t have to worry about her. I know she wants the best for her but it’s s if she doesn’t accept the way her sister is either.

In the Friendships section of Red, the story Big Shoes was sad yet inspirational. Rebecca tells of Sarah, a friend of hers that she met through dance class. She says, ‘Sarah Bradford was one of those people who, once you met her, treated you like you were her true friend.” Unfortunately Sarah died in a car accident. Rebecca stated that, “Sarah was always smiling or working her hardest to make other people smile.” To me that’s a great person, its ashame how young people’s lives are taken especially when they have so much to give.

These stories all girls and women can relate to, I read these stories and find myself thinking about when I was chubby, when I lost a friend, what I have overcome. I think schools should implement Red into the required readings; it could be beneficial for many young teen girls.


Kristen said…
"I think schools should implement Red into the required readings; it could be beneficial for many young teen girls."

I totally agree! Girls need to know how important it is to express to themselves. Reading Red would show them that other girls are doing it too.
Merritt Johnson said…
Maybe Leandra will talk to the local schools around here about it!

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