I walk away with more than I came with

I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful this class was. Going to class was so enjoyable because I knew I would be surrounded by such amazing women/girls. Personally this class made me reminisce upon the trials and tribulations of my girlhood and engaged my interest in the current/future generations of girls so much more. My favorite part of this class was the service learning portion. It felt so good to actually get out there and apply what we talk about in class. It was so inspiring to see girls so much more informed than I was at their age. It gave me hope that they can conquer their battles with body image, gender issues, sexuality, boys, and all they must deal with. Also, it’s comforting to know that everyone I sit in class with has gone their own version of girlhood (whether enjoyable or less) and you have all turned out to be amazing women with powerful intelligent opinions. I also thoroughly enjoyed our discussion on the term "girl power." I fully plan to reinvent the word to portray a positive powerful image that girls can really embrace. The think the concept is amazing; its definition just needs some tweaking. This was my favorite women’s studies class I have taken yet, and because of discussions and projects performed during it I have decided to try and be a Girl Scout troop leader next semester.


۞ Lauren said…
Aw, that is so neat that you would like to be a Girl Scout troop leader! I really enjoyed the years I spent as a girl scout, and I am sure you could help those girls through so much with the experience and knowledge you gained from classes like this one.
Andrea L.A. said…
yaaay nicole! i fully agree!!! :)

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