The Face on the Milk Carton

The Face on the Milk Carton is a novel about a girl, Janie, who has a normal and comfortable life, but one day realizes that the face of a missing child on the back of the milk carton is actually her. She goes through the novel questioning this, her parents, and her history. In the end she finally speaks with her birth mother. Along the way, Reeve plays the love interest/boyfriend. I remember when I first read this story, I had a huuuge crush on Reeve.

Aspects of this character that I could relate to as a girl were the confusion, the uncertainty all of a sudden of the things around her/myself that are suddenly suspicious. And then there's the double-think of maybe I'm just being nonsensical... Of course I never questioned if I was kidnapped, but while growing up you question things you previously just accepted as is. Also, ignoring those who are important around me because I'm too wrapped up in myself (like Janie does to Reeve when he opens up about his childhood). Also, Janie feels younger and less-talkative than her friends, and being born in August I was always younger and smaller than my friends, and the boys I wanted to be my boyfriend always saw me as their best friend, so the feeling of not fitting in was there.

Also, although I could not relate I could imagine the stress between the relationship of Janie and Reeve, like when they check into a hotel room but decide not to have sex (cruuush). And they flirt over lunch and lay in the grass, and I wanted a boy just like that. And they fight and he goes off to date another girl, but theyre back together again in the end. Boy I'm really hung up on Reeve lol....

The book is great for girls, because it touches on the subject of forming one's identity based off of the relationships around you, and how sometimes that gets thrown into whack and you're left standing there alone, and you're all of a sudden based off of .... you.


j.leigh said…
ooh my goodness i remember reading this book! i really liked your analysis of it, and how so often we don't ever question the world around us while we are growing up.

i also remember i used to read that hotel scene over and over when i was little, hahah, but that's because i had a crush on reeve too

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