Cyber Girls

Girls today are much more influenced by the Internet than all of us when we were younger. The Internet grows daily in size and in popularity among young girls and boys. There is so much for them to do online, but is that always a good thing?

The websites that are specifically aimed at young girls seem great from what I have seen so far. They give girls ideas, have fun activities, and lots of cool info. was a good one for girls, and one thing I noticed about this one was that it even had a spot for parents and teachers with ideas on how to keep your daughters/students involved and be a good influence.

The Internet is great when it comes to examples like this weeks websites, but it shouldn’t be the biggest influence on a girl. When a girl is asked to describe herself, there should be more to it than explaining the background of her myspace page. Sometimes it seems like girls today will miss out of some of the simple fun of being a kid because of the popularity of some of the sites. It also seems like too many parents are using the Internet as a babysitting tool. The Internet is a great source for young girls to turn to, yet it could easily be turned around and have a negative impact, especially when they are unsupervised and stumble on to other sites.

For us, the Internet is a way of communication, a past time, and an endless source of information; however, to other people in this world it is something completely new. The website about the girls in Ghana was neat to read. I realize other countries do not have some of the technology as we do here, but we take a lot of it for granted. To hear Trevor describe how his first lesson for the girls was going to be about opening and saving files, because to him these were the basics of computers. You just assume people have simple knowledge of computers, but these girls had not learned how to use a keyboard or the mouse yet and had to start at step one.

There is so much for girls online these days and it is interesting to see how far some of the websites have gone for girls. The Internet gives girls a chance to express themselves while being creative, care free, and not being self-conscious. The websites for girls deserve a lot of credit and will hopefully continue to grow.


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