Book Review White Oleander

Book Review – White Oleander, New York. Little, Brown, & Co., 1999
By Elizabeth Nesbitt

We know many children have witnessed crime first hand. Everyday we see on television or in the newspaper another home invasion involving a shooting or burglary. In today’s society it is considered commonplace for children to be raised by single parents. Another issue in U.S. society we are facing drastically is children being placed in foster care. According to statistics in 2005 over 500,000 children were in foster care across the United States. This story involves a crime and foster care.

This story begins in Los Angeles with the two main characters Astrid and Ingrid Magnussen. During the summer and season of the white oleander a flower that blooms when the hot Santa Ana winds blow in from the desert. Ingrid is in a low end job searching for a way out. Astrid worships her mother Ingrid and spends the summer days at her mother’s office drawing. Ingrid meets Barry at a poetry reading and dismisses him. Barry on the other hand will do anything to get Ingrid in bed. Barry keeps pursuing Ingrid until he achieves what he wants her in bed. Ingrid on the other hand becomes smitten with Barry to the point she can overlook all his faults. They continue dating until Barry starts canceling dates and not showing up. Ingrid decides to drive to his house. Upon arrival Barry informs Ingrid he has a date with another women. Ingrid leaves the house crying, Astrid waiting in the car realizes her mother has broken one of her rules resulting in her heart being broken.

In chapter four the story begins to unfold. Ingrid starts her revenge against Barry. Ingrid goes to Barry’s house destroys his computer, slashes a white shirt and leaves a white oleander on his bed. Ingrid continues her revenge and breaks into Barry’s house again putting white oleanders everywhere. Astrid becomes worried about her mother and knows her mother has crossed the line of revenge. Ingrid and Astrid drive down to Tijuana in order for her mother to purchase DMSO, a medicine for arthritis. The story leads you to believe what you want. Did Ingrid kill Barry? Cops break down the door and arrest Ingrid, leaving Astrid in the apartment all alone. The following week caseworkers come for Astrid placing her in a group home. The group home is run by Mrs. Campbell. Astrid goes to see her mother in jail, but is unable to help her mother. Then Astrid is moved to what is supposed to be permanent placement Starr’s house. Starr has four children two of her own and the other two are foster children like Astrid. Starr talks about being religious but dresses like a whore and lives with her boyfriend Ray. Astrid is now thirteen and it has been a year since her mother’s trial. Astrid wonders if she will ever get to see her mother again and is trying to survive eighth grade by staying to herself.

The new caseworker informs Astrid that her mother is eligible for visitors now. Astrid will be going to visit her mother the following Thursday. Astrid is feeling anxious and nervous about visiting Ingrid. Upon arrival Astrid thinks her mother is beautiful and her mother comes over to hug her. Ingrid wants to know everything about Astrid. In prison time goes by slow, so Ingrid now has become increasingly interested for the first time in Astrid’s life. Astrid continues living at Starr’s home upon Astrid turning fourteen Starr throws her a birthday party. During the party she receives gifts and Ray gives her a wooden jewelry box. Starr takes Astrid aside and tells her I know your type and I will be watching your every move. Astrid asks Ray to drive her to the development where he is working on the custom cabinetry and he agrees to take her. After Ray gives Astrid a tour of the development Astrid undresses and starts kissing him this leads to full lovemaking.
Starr begins drinking after being sober for eighteen months this leads to constant turmoil in the house and fighting. Starr and Ray get into a huge fight Starr accuses Ray of sleeping with Astrid. Starr opens the door and begins shooting a .38. not aiming it hits Astrid in the shoulder. Starr shoots again this time hitting Astrid in the hip causing her to fall to the floor.

Upon recovery Astrid is sent to her new foster home Ed and Marvel Turlock’s. Ingrid continues to write Astrid and makes it clear to Astrid that she was wrong to sleep with Ray. This is Astrid’s first experience with a real family and she is expected to clean, cook, babysit and be a beautician. Astrid feels lonely and her pain medication is all gone the kids are getting on her nerves so she reprieves to the backyard. Astrid realizes after reading the book The Art of Survival several times she must get her act together in order to live with the Turlock’s. Astrid buries herself in the library at school. One day walking home she decides to meet the neighbor Olivia Johnstone whom Marvel hates because she is a black woman. Astrid is mesmerized by Olivia who lives in a elegant house and entertains men frequently. Astrid visits Olivia every chance she can and Astrid tells Olivia everything that has happened to her. Olivia comforts Astrid and tells her “it’s a man’s world,” Olivia continues telling Astrid she is sensitive and not to fight the world. Astrid begins using drugs and has to perform oral sex on a boy in exchange for pot. Astrid walks around the neighborhood one night and is attacked by wild dogs. She leaves the emergency room with scars on her face. Olivia has been gone to England for months upon her return she brings Astrid an expensive bottle of perfume. It’s Christmas and Marvel is back treating Astrid as a slave making her serve her family. Astrid sneaks to Olivia’s gets drunk and falls asleep at her house. The next morning Marvel catches Astrid coming out of Olivia’s house and beats her. The Christmas break ends when Astrid returns to school she is removed and taken to a new foster home.

She is placed in the home of Amelia Ramos from Argentina. The house is located in Hollywood and Amelia only feeds the girls one meal a day. Astrid is losing weight and doing anything for food even eating from garbage cans. Ingrid is still writing Astrid and she begs Astrid to keep calling Children’s services and ask to be transferred. Finally after months of calling Astrid gets a new caseworker named Joan Peeler. Astrid overhears Amelia discussing with a friend how easy foster care money is and that she is renovating a bathroom. Astrid continues losing weight and is finally taken to the home of Ron and Claire Richards.

Claire is an actress and has never been around kids. She makes Astrid go everywhere with her when not in school. Astrid immediately picks up on Claire’s nervousness. Astrid likes Claire and she is glad to be in a home where someone cares about her. Claire confides in Astrid she thinks her husband Ron is having an affair. Astrid has completed the tenth grade and done very well. Ron takes Claire and Astrid to an expensive restaurant where they present Astrid with amethyst pendant. Astrid has never felt this close to someone before. Astrid doesn’t want her mother to find out about Claire. Astrid knows if Ingrid finds out she is happy she will think Astrid doesn’t need her anymore. Astrid continues to write her mother but she never lets her know how much she cares for Claire. On afternoon Claire doesn’t pick up Astrid from art class because she is reading everything Astrid has from Ingrid her mother.

Ingrid invites Claire and Astrid to visit her. Astrid doesn’t want to visit Ingrid but they go in February. Astrid notices she is becoming more like her mother physically and keeps her at bay from Claire. Ingrid notices the deep connection between Astrid and Claire and asks to speak to Claire alone. On the drive home Astrid notices Claire is upset she demands to know what Ingrid said to her. Ingrid told Claire the indeed Ron is having an affair. Ron is away again and Claire is talking to Astrid about death and asking her if she was to kill herself what would she do? Astrid tries to reassure Claire that Ron will be home soon. Astrid realizes the fragile state Claire is in and knows Claire just wants to give up. Astrid starts the twelfth grade and Ron leaves for work again. The holidays come and Claire is happy they plan to spend Christmas together but on Christmas Eve Ron gets a call and must leave for filming. Claire and Ron get into a huge fight and when he finally gets home she accuses him of flying around the world with other women. Ron tells Claire if Astrid is not helping she needs to leave. Astrid over hears the fight and feels betrayed like she is no better than a dog from the pound. Claire goes into her bedroom and locks the door. Astrid goes to console Claire and finally Claire lets Astrid in. Astrid gets into bed with Claire and falls asleep. The next morning Astrid goes about the morning only to realize Claire has taken to many sleeping pills and is dead.

This time Astrid goes to MacLaren Children’s Center she feels safe there even if it seems like a prison. In the center she meets Paul Trout in the art room he thinks she is beautiful. Astrid only talks to Paul and she is sad when he is placed and leaves. Paul tells her of a comic book store in Hollywood where he will check for letters from her. Astrid begins her interviews and decides to go with Rena Grushenka. This is a very different foster home. The girls must rummage through recycling bins for usable goods. The girls only eat take out and drink and smoke dope. Astrid is just buying her time until she is eighteen and does what she wants. Astrid meets with her mother’s new attorney and finds out her mother is asking for a new trial.

I am not going to tell the end of the story. I am going to leave you wondering what happens to Astrid when she graduates. What happens to Ingrid is she granted a new trial?
This book is told in the first person and really depicts the turmoil Astrid must endure. The book depicts a broken foster care system. Astrid is searching for her inner self through the whole book but is able to be freed when Claire dies. She is finally able to let the shadow of mother go and live her own life.


EWest said…
Your review makes me want to read White Oleander to find out what happens. It is sad that children leave problematic homes and often end up in situations worse than the one they started in. After having your single mother go to jail and endure one bad foster home after another it would be extremely difficult for a teenager to find her inner self. If the character were able to get her life together, this would be a good book for girls in foster care as a way to find hope and know they can do the same.
Eatheana West
rinaresca said…
I absolutely loved this novel as well as the film. Both uniquely portray the life of Astrid, a child fallen victim to the vicious foster care system. It is unbelievable the life some many children must endure. It makes me so sad because it is so necessary for a child to grow up in a supporting and loving environment, because if they do not, more often than not, it affects their adult life. Even to the point that they result to prostitution or fall victim to substance abuse or domestic violence situations. Children should be treated like the innocent and fragile creatures they are. Not used and abused then dropped all for some stupid person's monetary gain.

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