Week thirteen Girls' Activism & Cybergrrls

Be Assertive, Take Action and Don’t Be Afraid of What You Believe

While I was reading it made me think and take a closer look at how I feel about girls’ issues and women’s’ rights. Girls’ need an outlet like a blog on the web to express their feelings.The internet as a form of communication can be good. The internet can also be a nightmare, not knowing who you are chatting with. In the book Queer Girls’ “In other words, youth make use of the Internet as a realm to try out. Play with, and perform their identities and desires through provisional combinations of images, words, and narratives.” (pg170) In my opinion this clearly states the internet is an outlet for girls’. The book makes its case for the need of queer websites that allow middle aged girls’ the ability to chat with other girls’ ask questions, receive answers and not be criticized.(pg171) Suicide rates are higher among queer girls’ due to isolation, and harassment. Web sites like ikissgirls and birls are making it possible for girls’ who are queer, bisexual or girls’ who identify as boys’ to express themselves openly. The writer of the book chatted and took notes from two online groups ikissgirls and birls. Her observations express how girls’ need these online groups for support, education and social recognition. I feel everyone needs a place, space or group. We all have different hobbies, talents, and employment which separate us while making us unique individuals. I think everyone needs to feel a since of belonging and individuality this can be achieved through different groups online. It is extremely important to listen to girls’ by listening you can gain perspective about where they are coming from. Listening can enable parents and others to understand how girls’ feel about different subjects, questions girls’ have and hopefully to provide answers. Listening is a powerful tool we all need to use it more often.

In the red book I like the story Ms. President. In the story she is discovering the definition for extraordinary.”I think I have the answer. It’s you, it’s me, it’s us together, as a generation who can find the extra in each of our ordinary lives so that we can make a positive impact on the world we live in.”(pg 230)I think this girl really hits home about together we can make a difference in our world she is a very smart girl. She also states “Ordinary girls have the power to be truly extraordinary.”(pg 231)She believes girls can do anything and I do to. I was really impressed by the story repeat. This girl looks at the world and how history has repeated. She does an incredible job of telling the truth that no one wants to hear. She says “we will be humans we will close our eyes once more to the pain of the world because it hurts too much to see it” This story is why we need to listen to girls.’ I think if we would listen to this generation we could learn from them and just maybe not keep repeating.

The writer in the purity myth tells us to go out and make a difference. Get organized and educated find out about current legislation affecting women’s rights. Another key element is support local organizations in your communities by getting involved. Help to form local groups that impact girls’ and women’s rights.

By: Elizabeth Nesbitt


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