Rape is Rape

Although it is not specifically or explicitly related to girls, I recently read an article in Ms. Magazine (for Dr. Santana's Introduction to Women's Studies class) entitled "Rape is Rape." I was surprised to find how relevant and interesting the article was! The article speaks about the archaic definition of the word "rape" in regards to the FBI's crime reports and local law enforcement agencies. Also, the article examines the backlogs of untested rape kits and lack of federal funding for sexual assault departments due to the under reporting of such crimes.

The "archaic" definition of the word "rape" (which is still the accepted definition in law enforcement and federal courts, etc.) only recognizes instances which are "forced" or "against her will" and those involving vaginal intercourse. The article goes to explain the many implications of this archaic definition, such as that it does not include male victims, victims of other types of sexual assault, non-violent instances, mentally or physically disabled victims or any victim who was incapacitated at the time. This is a very important issue not only to women and girls, but to the entire community!

For further information, check out: http://www.feminist.org/nomoreexcuses/


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