Toy Soldier

I honestly don’t think we give children the benefit of the doubt when it comes to creating or grasping with their own identity. They would see many cartoons and play with action figures in which a superhero is to hide their identity from the public eye. Yet, if this was the reverse issue would we ask our own kids to hide themselves? To not mention our sexuality or the way that we portray our behavior all for the sake of embarrassment that is imposed on our parents than thinking of the children. See if we see different scenarios in which action-figures, wrestlers, or even the key to be open to the invisible door how can children ever be closer to being comfortable within their skins. We should identify these behaviors and then have the indecency to respect it by not shunning it away in the shadows. This is important especially for future pro-feminist that in identifying their needs they will soon grow to understand the awareness especially for the right of women. To further gain advocates and rights activist that will further enhance the opportunity of equality among gender roles. 

I think that it is best to identify the early changes in a young boys life to determine the pro of what is best and then come to grips how there is barely any wrong doing. Dominance has been a key way to more violence, more fear, more unfairness. Women are to be treated kindly and fairly. Equal pay to respect the skill set of both men and women. Respect of personal behavior and more that young men are in still need to be given guidelines or the essential tools to be pro-feminist and shatter the initial social norm that has been set for many years. to handle confrontation with the issues of sexism and violence in any field. In treating others on an equal baseline to then help mental health since suicide is a key issues for growing young men that is unable to express or state inner feelings out into the open.

The one thing that has to be discussed is the nature of support but most importantly engagement for when young boys want to express themselves. To never cut them off whenever they want to express or prevent harm from being called names or making them feel like their weak when showing emotion is a strength.

Below are a few articles that I think are beneficial to the important matter of identifying toxic masculinity. Hopefully it best describes the meaning of masculinity but also outlines certain things to then improve the future generation of young men to make the shift and unite all genders to live as equals.


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