Promote the rights
Much has been said about masculinity in media platforms especially in commercial, movie, and television work where potential buyers and clients see a strong persona. Little boys might take notes and soon influence is established. I think in order to fight this so influence from going into homes is to finally create our own materials as feminist to create creative content of advertisement that support the stand where men are to be portrayed in a different light. In creating a different light, it will soon expand and then the direction of abusive masculinity identity would reverse. I think in showcasing men whether if it is selling cologne in a suite or helping a woman in need besides of using ads that support sexual desire or of abusive content that demonstrate dominance to both men and women.
I think in also rethinking about special programs that also target many age groups would be beneficial especially in trying to reach out to those as a young age that is still developing an identity. Programs in which are within scenarios where we show examples of toxic masculinity that identifies the wrong things from the right or develop movies and tv shows where for once have characters that address many issues of masculinity that ties that of race, gender, wealth and more attributes that affect society. I think the mind needs to see things in a different light especially in the aspect of entertainment as long as the message is delivered. In advertising such well developed and respected characters then word of mouth is spread, and this creates fan bases which then creates more of a movement for promotion to make sure that other platforms negotiate a deal to air it. Same goes in music if lyrics were prepared differently than the usual one’s where sex is mostly the main subject and the distinction of how woman are mention lyrics that changes the conversation and shed light in a more positive way.
I think that creative content will reach more in numbers and then lead to more household being effective in a positive manner. When we have role models’ young boys seek in order to behave in the same manner. With doing so we create a new generation of pro-feminist that would then do the right thing in elaborating the important message and fictional characters I believe can be a strong suite of portraying the sense of “The could be”. Where one maybe amazed when one barely sees something and then sort of adapts to the behavioral attitude of that image. Strong content and image then create identity of well support.
This was an interesting article about globally women standing together, to have their own voice be heard for a change.