Don'g blog it
This is a news story that I found today on What struck me about this article is circumstances that surround the 11 year old girl and her parents reaction. I am not going to mention details about the article, because I want you to read it and think about it, and also think about how you use the internet’s blog sites. Do you consider who is really watching your blogs? Have you ever considered that future employers or scholarship awarders might come across your blogs when they research you on the internet? Did it ever occur to you that someone you baby sit for might happen upon what you write on the internet, and that can impact their impression on your ability to care for their children? Blogging is not private, or secure, or even wise. It is no different that leaving your diary on the lunch room table, or even worse, it being read daily over a loud speaker so all can hear. My advice as a 33 year old mother of two who does check the internet for those who watch my children is; don’t use it to express private and personal information and opinions. Keep it clean. If you would not show an employer, parent, or grandparent a picture then don’t post it. If you would not say it to everyone, then don’t blog it.

Robin Apelado


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