What is "girlhood"?

Discuss the above image? How does this image embody “girlhood”? Or does it? How do you interpret her body position and expression? Can you point to an image that more accurately represents “girlhood”?


۞ Lauren said…
The first word that came to my mind when I saw this image was, sad. Her slumped over position and avoidance of eye contact tells me she is not self-confident. She wants to fit in and look older, which is evident with her overuse of makeup, styled hair, and low-cut shirt. “Girlhood” is a happy time, and this girl is not happy. Here is a better representation of “girlhood”. This girl looks her age, enjoys her life, and is comfortable with herself.

Ali said…
Unfortunately, I think this image accurately represents girlhood for a lot of girls. While girlhood is often a happy time, it is also a confusing and tumultuous time for a lot of girls. Girlhood can be a time of trying to come to terms with what's expected of you, and the unavoidable clash of your individuality with this standard.

A woman should be made up, presentable, seen but not heard, not too assertive, sensual but not sexual - these are just some of the dominant narrative/expectations surrounding womanhood. To me, this girl is grappling with these expectations and feeling the toll it takes on one's self esteem and confidence. I wish I didn't, but I see myself in her.
Ariel Dansky said…
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Andrea L.A. said…
I think this picture is so terrifying, but yet so realistic. Everybody likes to think that girlhood is so simple and easy, but this photo gives away the harsh reality that lies inside girlhood. From the outside of a young girl, adults see freedom and no stress, but inside that girl's mind, she is confused about who she should be, and how to get boys to like her. She wants to grow up, but she knows that she doesn't look like the women on t.v. or in magazines. The girl has makeup running down her face, her posture is slumped over, and you can see her bra coming out of her shirt. It is obvious that she is lacking self-confidence. It is heart wrenching to see an image like this, because there was a time where I also felt like this. A time where you want to be older, and yet be young and care free at the same time, but you just can't.
amanda said…
This photo really embodies girlhood. Her body language gives off her insecurities and the way she is look down, I see it as a way of silencing her. As girls grow up they are bombarded with the media and images telling us we need to look this way and we should not speak out. Girlhood is a confusing time for most girls this is reflected in this photo. Looking at this image really takes me back to when I was a girl and how I felt.

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