
Showing posts from February, 2010

CFP / Rhizomes Special Issue: "Becoming-Girl"

Rhizomes’ Special Issue: “Becoming-Girl” Call for Papers Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge , a peer-reviewed online journal, invites submissions for its thematic issue, “Becoming-Girl.” The purpose of this issue is to explore how girls negotiate identity and practice resistance rhizomatically. We are particularly interested in how identity negotiations operate in digital cultures, such as social networks (Facebook, MySpace), virtual realities (Second Life), and activist cultural productions by girls, such as ‘zines, blogs, instant message communication, and mobile phone texting. Deleuze articulates the notion of becoming as existing through multiplicity and alliances, a process that does not have a beginning or end, but is always in-progress; becoming is, much like girlhood, intermezzo. Deleuze claims that “Girls do not belong to an age group, sex, order, or kingdom: they slip in everywhere, between orders, acts, ages, sexes.” Their identities, interactions and relat...

Girl Scouts Publication: VERBATIM!

Announcing . . .  Verbatim   Girls Write To Be Heard               A Publication by GSCC's Girl Advocacy Group  Greetings! Verbatim  is the one of the recent undertakings of the Voice Advocacy group. It is intended to be a monthly publication that is written and designed by the girls of Voice. Our target audience is the older girl population in Central Florida. We would like to expand to include girls that are in Girl Scouts, as well as those that aren't.  Verbatim  will be a fun way to connect with older girls. Some of the constant pieces will be horoscopes, reviews (books, movies, local restaurants, etc.), a fashion/beauty section, healthy living tips, and monthly real-girl issue. It is an edgy, forward thinking publication that will be a useful vessel to promote Voice in a positive way to the older girls in our area.  We are pleased to offer up our very first edition. If you...