Service-Learning Proposal

I am going to take a girl scout troop to my vet's hospital for a tour. Then I am going to give the girls a diagram of a dog and cat and teach them to label the main body parts on the dog and cat. I am also going to have my vet Dr. Vliet give a short talk to the girls about dog and cat care and how we can help prevent euthanasia. This is a big community problem in a lot of counties. I thought after she talks I will provide the girls paper and pens and have them write a paragraph about what they learned. I will keep the papers that they write. I will take pictures of the troop in front of the hospital and during the talk after we are finished I am going to provide punch and cookies for all the girls. I took Tuffie my service dog to alot of girl scout troops to teach about service dogs and the girls just loved it. I have a contact with the girl scouts and I am very good friends with my vet.
Elizabeth Nesbitt
Girls Studies


Lela said…
this is a creative and fun project that will definitely benefit girls! i look forward to reading about it:)

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